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Lifetimewool has a series of ewe and pasture targets that increase productivity and profitability of the Merino sheep enterprise for regions across southern Australia. There are also management guidelines and tools for ewe flocks at all times of the year.
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Sheep nutrition over summer and autumn
Dry pastures and stubbles lack energy and protein and hence supplementary feeding is a large component of sheep diets later in summer and autumn. In addition, some vitamins and minerals may be lacking during the dry period. In this article, we cover some of the key nutritional supplements that may be required and animal health issues to keep an eye out for over summer and autumn
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Reaping the benefits of pregnancy scanning
With rams now in or soon to go in with the ewes, it’s time to book in your pregnancy scanner or consider pregnancy scanning if this is not yet a practice you’ve adopted. This article dives into the latest economics of pregnancy scanning, including how to optimise the accuracy of scanning and how to turn the investment into profit
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Strategies and tactics for the season
As we battle on with the current poor season that we find ourselves in, it's important to remember that we're not alone, and that there are resources and support available to help.
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